ENDGAME is a live action and stop-motion animated music video created for National Pleasure.
Created by T Lavois Thiebaud 
Starring: Cidette Rice & Erin Rodgers 
Production Assistants: Sarah Moessner, ImpKittie 
Also starring: Anthony Barilla, Jacob Bori, Keel Curtis, Kari Dodson, John Dunn, Matt Fries, Baby Goat, Jane Kramers, Alexandra Lechin, Tyler McConnell, James Medford, Akash Narang, Randy Pugh, Velia Ramos, Rahul Rao, John Reyes, Brenna Rogers, Craig Wilkins Special Thanks: Anthony Barilla, Emily Patterson, Ashley Cid, Ramzi Beshara, Eric Todd, Jacob Mustafa, Baby Goat, Shelley Rice, James Medford, James Templeton, Josh Applebee, Steven Higginbotham 

Check out the Houston Press video release and review here!
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